Terms of Hospital Service

The below terms are specific to stuffed toy/soft toy/doll/plush repair/restoration/refurbishment services, under "Hospital" service of Stuffed Toys Hospital only (excluding all other brand new/pre-loved products, workshops and services).

🧸Prior to admission

Pre-assessment and quotation

During the enquiry phase, we should have provided you with a full quotation for the recommended and requested list of services that your stuffed toy will require, based on the photos and dimensions provided by yourself. This quotation is not reflective of the final bill, and will be subject to adjustments (both increase or decrease), depending on:

  • The actual condition of your stuffed toy upon in-person inspection.
  • If the actual size of your stuffed toy differs from measurements provided.
  • If certain services are deemed impossible during the surgery.
  • If certain services are deemed necessary during surgery.
  • If certain services are deemed compulsory during surgery.

All pre-assessment and quotations provided are free of charge, through Whatsapp message only.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You are to refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - which can be found in the icon at the bottom left of the page - should you have any questions.

Should our FAQ not answer your queries, please feel free to contact us for any clarifications.


You are aware of and fully understand the risks involved in each procedure. You may also clarify the risks involved with us if unsure.

Stuffed Toys Hospital will not be responsible for any complications arising from risks already made aware of, but of course we will offer to reverse the complications to the best of our abilities, subject to further costs incurred.

Managing Customer Expectations

There is a chance that there might be a misalignment of your expectations and what we can do. If you are worried about certain aspects of the repair, please do raise it up during the quotation phase prior to admission.

Booking of appointment

No walk-ins are allowed, and prior appointment must be made in order to meet our doctors.

This is because we are a home-based business and do not have a physical store.

We are also not comfortable with having customers in our house. We reserve the right to ignore any customer who tries to knock on our door directly. You will be turned away immediately, or reported if you insist on staying or entering the premise.

Appointment availability

Appointment slots will be available 90-180 days in advance. Should you see that the slots are fully booked, kindly wait for new slots to open up.

$28 booking fee

Due to limited slots available and to avoid last-minute back outs or no-shows, a non-refundable down payment of $28.

$28 will be deducted from the final total amount to be paid e.g. total repair costs $100 > $28 have been paid for the appointment > only required to pay remainder of $72.

This is also the minimum admission fee per stuffed toy.

Warranty, insurance, protection

Conditions of stuffed toys are bound to deteriorate, subject to treatment of said stuffed toy, even after surgeries and restoration works by our doctors. As such, Stuffed Toys Hospital does not provide any form of post-repair warranty/insurance/protection for any stuffed toy admitted into our hospital.


Self drop off at Aljunied MRT

This is a free of charge service, for admission of your stuffed toy into Stuffed Toys Hospital. You are to meet your doctor-in-charge at the appointed time. Our doctors reserve the right to reschedule or cancel the meet up should you be late.


Should you wish to have your stuffed toy delivered, please arrange your own delivery. Please note that there is a possibility of rejection upon admission, and in that case, you will be responsible for the cost of delivery back as well.

Kindly note that Stuffed Toys Hospital will not be held liable for any accidents that happen to stuffed toy(s) during delivery to and fro. As such, we strongly encourage self drop offs and collections.

Possibility of rejection upon admission

Should we find that the condition of your stuffed toy is beyond what we expected, we have the right to reject admission, and you are to pick up your stuffed toy without any surgeries done.

Should you refuse to pick-up and insist on having repairs done when deemed impossible, we will mail your stuffed toy back to your address keyed in at checkout and the $28 booking fee will be forfeited.

Admission into our hospital

Once your stuffed toy reaches the hospital, it is considered a patient under our care. Should you change your mind and want to have it discharged before the repair, the $28 booking fee will be forfeited.

Inaccurate measurements

All stuffed toys admitted into Stuffed Toys Hospital will be measured again, to ensure that the quotation provided is suitable for its size.

Any inaccurate measurements, and as a result inaccurate quotations will be raised to the customer in question. A new quotation will be provided and customer is to decide if we should proceed.

To prevent any disappointment, please ensure that you take measurements as accurately as possible.

🧸Hospital Stay

Updates on status of stuffed toy

We do not provide any updates for customers on the status of their stuffed toys,  as we are working on multiple patients at once. However, should there be anything that requires discussion, we will definitely reach out to you.

We are not obliged to provide you with any kind of updates even if requested for. Any updates provided are out of goodwill only.

We work with multiple patients a day, and there may not be progress for your stuffed toy every single day. (It is possible for your stuffed toy to be in the same state on day 4 as compared to day 10.) This is especially possible if there are other customers who have opted in for express services, and we have to prioritize their stuffed toy over others, or if materials do not arrive on time.

Should you wish to have your stuffed toy discharged earlier than the turnaround time agreed on, please engage in our Emergency Ward department, where we can expedite the turnaround time, subject to additional charges.

Additional services required during stay

Should we find that your stuffed toy requires more services, we will contact you to discuss about it before proceeding.

However, should we deem that your stuffed toy requires a replacement of stuffings, we reserve the right to proceed without having to discuss with you beforehand, due to hygiene reasons.

Duration of stay

The maximum duration of stay is the turnaround time in days, from day of admission. For instance:

> Day of admission: 1st May 2023 (considered day 0).

>Turnaround time quoted: 2-3 weeks.

> Take the longest duration quoted: 3 weeks = 21 days.

> Latest discharge date: 22 May 2023

However, length of stay might change if additional services are required.
Kindly note that the duration of stay excludes Public Holidays and our rest days.


Provision of "before" and "after" photos

You will receive "before" and "after" photos of your stuffed toys for comparison purposes. Do note however that these photos are not of professional standards, and lighting conditions could cause differences in the colours displayed.

Final bill and payment of balance

If you have chosen self-collection for return, the balance shall be paid before the return.

If you have chosen delivery for return, the balance shall be paid prior to scheduling of delivery.

The balance - including any additional amount quoted during the repair process - is to be paid via PayNow, to our UEN number 53453597J, after all repairs have been completed.

Self collect at Aljunied MRT

This is free of charge service, for discharge of your stuffed toy from Stuffed Toys Hospital. You are to meet your doctor-in-charge at the appointed time. Our doctors reserve the right to reschedule or cancel the meet up should you be late.


Should you wish to have your stuffed toy delivered back home, please arrange your own delivery.

Kindly note that Stuffed Toys Hospital will not be held liable for any accidents that happen to stuffed toy(s) during delivery to and fro. As such, we strongly encourage self drop offs and collections.

Check your stuffed toy

You are strongly encouraged to check that you have received the correct stuffed toy, and that it is in good condition.

Failure to collect stuffed toy

Stuffed toys that are with us for more than 90 days - from when customers are notified that they are ready for collection - will be disposed of if not claimed. Please ensure that you are responsive and contactable.


Additional or missed repairs

Should you find that there are certain issues with your stuffed toy after repairs, please do inform us within 7 days from the day of discharge. You are entitled to a one-time re-do, subject to additional costs. Stuffed Toys Hospital will not be held liable for damages done due to external factors, inclusive of and not limited to:

  • Parts bitten off or damaged by family pets or children.
  • New stains caused after spa services, not associated with Stuffed Toys Hospital.
  • Tears caused by rough treatment of stuffed toy.
  • Any damages caused by delivery services.
  • Any other damages not caused by Stuffed Toys Hospital.

It is therefore essential for you to check the condition of your stuffed toy right after receiving it.

Please note that we do not provide any form of courier services FOC for redo. You will have to meet us at Aljunied MRT for self-drop off again, or pay an additional fee for the courier.

Request to redo treatment

Especially applicable to ICU services: should you not be satisfied with the outcome, we can redo the treatment again, subject to additional costs.

All treatments are done with the best attempt.

Discharge shop products

Any discharge shop products purchased will be sent to you within 1-2 weeks after date of discharge.

  • Identification Card: mailed to your address provided at checkout, by free Normal Mail (no tracking).
  • Photo Studio: compiled photos will be stored in a Google Drive folder and sent to you via Whatsapp/email.

🧸Future Admissions

Subject to prevailing rates

Any subsequent repair services provided will be charged at the prevailing rates, with no consideration of customer being a repeat customer. All customers are treated equally and fairly, with no favouritism or biasness toward any individual.

Follow the proper admission process

Should you decide to admit your other stuffed toy into Stuffed Toys Hospital, please follow our admission process. No customer will be given priority admission, unless it is a special case for consideration - to be decided by Stuffed Toys Hospital.

🫵🏻Customer Obligations

Be responsible for the words and photos sent to Stuffed Toys Hospital

You are fully responsible for the words and photos sent to us via any platforms, including and not limited to email, social media, Whatsapp, and the Site.

Stuffed Toys Hospital reserves all right to publish any form of texts, images, videos, or other forms of media shared with us willingly by customers, for the purpose of marketing, publicity and promotion, without notifying customers beforehand.

Should you not wish for us to share any form of media of your stuffed toy, kindly let us know beforehand.

Comply to Terms of Service of the Site

You should be aware that this Terms of Hospital Service is a separate term from Terms of Service of the Site.

All other terms and policies listed on the Site are to be complied to by customers at all times.

Tips and gifts

Stuffed Toys Hospital provides fair services for all. All tips and gifts handed over by a customer to the staff of Stuffed Toys Hospital are assumed to be out of goodwill only, and will not be treated as bribes or any form of future compensations to said customer.

👩🏻‍⚕️Staff Treatment

Stuffed Toys Hospital strictly do not tolerate any form of disrespect shown towards our staff, including customers who are being very pushy, constantly asking for updates, speaking rudely, or try to bargain with us.

If any of the above is observed at any point of time, staff of Stuffed Toys Hospital reserve the right to blacklist said customer and refuse future services from said customer, or said stuffed toy requested by other individuals associated with said customer.

Please be kind and respectful, and we will treat you the same.



We reserve the right to amend this Terms of Hospital Service at any time. The Effective Date stated below indicates the last time this Terms of Hospital Service was materially revised. Any changes we may make to this Terms of Hospital Service in the future will be posted on our website. You are encouraged to review this page periodically to see any updates or changes to our Terms of Hospital Service.

[Last updated: 3rd December 2024]