[As featured on Must Share News] For children, stuffed toys are an indispensable part of growing up. In fact, some can’t sleep without clutching their favourite ‘chou chou’ — that unique scent cultivated over years of cuddles can, in many cases, never be replicated. Jane Cher is no exception, of course.
[As featured on The Straits Times] At Stuffed Toys Hospital in Aljunied, the “doctors” can clean soft toys, replace parts of the toy, and even make new clothes for them, among other services. All customers have to do is to get a quote for the services they require, send the toy in and collect it when the job is done.
Noodolls are up for adoption at our Adoption Centre. For every brand new Noodoll adopted, 10% of profits will be donated to the NCIS Cancer Research Fund.
[As featured on The Straits Times] Don't throw away stuffed toys that are hanging by a thread or childhood chou chou (smelly) pillows that have lost their shape. Extend their life instead.
[As featured on 8world] 另一名导师徐嘉汐说,不少人都会把自己的“臭臭”抱枕等送来修补,每个月平均会收到大约50件物品。导师徐嘉汐说:“破到很厉害,我们可能要有花费8到10个钟头来处理,那个玩具进来的时候,它的布料是很薄很脆弱,整个都要换掉那种,所以我就用一件T-shirt重做它的形状,其实真的蛮累的。”
[As featured on CNA Lifestyle] What happens when your beloved chou chou turns old? The people behind Singapore's soft toy "hospitals" share their experiences with CNA Lifestyle.